Making Friends with Ravens and Crows

One of the most common sites in PEI are crows and ravens and we have quite a number of them around the house.  So, we decided to start feeding them each day.  It’s a great way to make friends with these intelligent, yet skittish birds.  We feed them a variety of foods, such uneaten parrot food, dog kibble, over ripe fruits, wild bird seed and their favourites – scrambled eggs and sliced wieners.  Every morning we hear the ravens calling out to us for their breakfast.  Recently, they  started bringing their fledglings to the food tray.  It’s fun watching their antics and the young birds pestering their parents to feed them.

For some reason, the aluminum tray scares them silly at first.  Once they figure out it is harmless, they adapt.  However, watching them first encounter the tray is hilarious.


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