Sept 11, 2020 – Halifax at night with the Olympus Pen-F

Yesterday, I returned from a motorcycle trip through Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, spending last Friday night in Halifax. As I traveled within the Atlantic Bubble during the COVID-19 pandemic, it came as no surprise to find the city streets quite empty. There was still a small pulse of human life about, but not like previous years when there was a constant din of pedestrians and cars. There was an eerie and lonely feeling in old Halifax and it seemed well suited to street photography in black and white.
All shots taken with the Olympus Pen-F in the camera’s native B&W mode. Surprisingly it is a decent camera to use in low light, especially with the Olympus 17mm f/1.2 Pro lens. Most shots were taken with that lens and a few with the Olympus 12mm f/2.0 and Olympus 45mm f/1.8. I shot everything at the widest aperture to minimize camera shake and noise.

#halifax #penf #olympus #mzuiko #streetphotography

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